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Nutritional Therapy
Nutritional Therapy Can Help With...
Blood Sugar Balance
Children's health
Hormone Imbalances
Chronic Pain
Low Mood
Autoimmune Conditions
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Skin Problems
Woman's Health Issues
Cardiovascular Disease
Neurological Conditions
Weight loss
Food Intolerances....and more

The overall essence of Nutritional Therapy is about getting to the root cause of a disease or symptoms so appropriate steps can be taken to support the body's innate healing abilities through the using of food as medicine ~ an ancient and integral part of healing in many societies.
Through the use of food as medicine you can literally make changes in your metabolism, biochemical pathways and influence things such as your neurotransmitters, hormones, mood, energy and overall it can reshape your life for the better.
Nutritional advice doesn't have to be daunting or restrictive, it's not about telling you what you can and cannot eat, often it's small changes that can have a big impact on your health. On occasion medical testing may be recommended to gain further insight into the bodily imbalances so that I gain a clear idea of how to support you in bringing your health back to a holistic balance.
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